Travel changes your mental metabolism. A part of you is perpetually
wandering--a nomadic sheep--simultaneously seeking both the novel and a niche,
a dwelling place, an abode of belonging. "Home was a moveable feast; you
strapped it to your back, stuffed it in a jar, dried it in the sun, dug it from
the ground. Home was wherever you broke bread with people you loved. You built
it out of hotel rooms or the trunk of your car or couches in your friends'
living rooms. You coaxed it into existence by reading books and cooking food
and learning languages, by sharing meals and words with others. You carried it
with you, folded up like a picnic basket, and spread it out wherever you
happened to be" (Annia Ciezadlo, Day of Honey). Travel is leaving your
footprints all over the landscape of the globe and planting pieces of your
heart in the soil of the souls you encounter along the way. When He guides your
steps into His countries, you find they are all your home because they are all
His! I am beyond blessed by the opportunity to teach and serve the Lord in Laos this summer.
Although I came to bless others,
It is I returned blessed.
Although I came to pour out my life,
It was mine whose life was poured into.
Although it was I who came to teach English,
It was my students who taught me the universal
language of love!
This summer in Laos has been unforgettable,
and I hope to return to the States indelibly
As World Vision program leader Thuso Mpholo in Lesotho, South
Africa, so eloquently expressed, I would like to thank you from the bottom of
my heart but my heart has no bottom as no duty is more urgent than that of
returning thanks.
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